Revision: 349e289
Inspiration Software
Product ID: 740827
Retail $69.95
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Using the proven power of visual learning, Inspiration helps 6th to 12th grade students strengthen critical thinking, comprehension and writing skills across the curriculum. Students build graphic organizers to represent concepts and relationships and use the integrated outlining capability to further organize ideas for reports.

Inspiration's integrated diagramming and outlining environments work together to help students comprehend concepts and information in language arts, science and social studies. Educators use Inspiration to customize instruction, achieve standards, assess student progress and energize learning.

Inspiration 7.6 gives students and educators broader and deeper ways to explore, organize and develop ideas.

Visually integrated notes
Writing power comes to diagrams! Students can start their writing process within the visual environment. By adding notes right in their diagrams, students can document research, describe content and add detailed information to projects.

Enhanced hyperlinking
Information from multiple sources is easy to gather, manage and present. Students can tie research and other resources into projects with hyperlinks to all types of files.

Audio capabilities
Tap into multiple learning styles! Students can hear work read aloud or record their own words, adding a new dimension to their projects. A talking interface increases accessibility for all learners.

Multiple main ideas
Brainstorm with no limitations. Students can freely explore multiple ideas simultaneously as they brainstorm, analyze and organize their thoughts.

Inspiration 7.6 includes an easy-to-use interface that is friendly, inviting and open.

Quick Controls
Manage information efficiently. Students control project notes, subtopics and recordings with a click of the mouse.

Formatting toolbar
Instantly change colors, fonts and styling. Handy, accessible formatting options invite students to quickly and conveniently express ideas and organize projects. It's a more natural, more inspired way to work.

Multiple level undo
Explore new ideas confidently. Students freely change information and add ideas, secure in the knowledge that undo and redo options are readily available.

Improved Outline View
Jump into easy, efficient outlining! Students effortlessly organize, prioritize and manipulate information in Inspiration's enhanced Outline View.

Inspiration 7.6 sparks teacher creativity with inspiring new ways to design and use templates . . . the fastest way to introduce visual learning and Inspiration to students in all subjects, including language arts, science and social studies.

Template Wizard
Create customized visual learning activities! The Template Wizard gives teachers step-by-step help for designing templates to support any curriculum area.

Flexible template access
Use and share templates with ease! Templates can be stored and launched from any location, making them readily available for students and teachers.

60+ templates
Quickly integrate visual learning into your classroom! A wealth of ideas from across the curriculum inspires students and teachers to plan, organize and create.

Inspiration bridges the gap between students' early ideas and successful web projects.

Site Skeleton™ export
Build the bones of a new web site. Students develop and organize their site concepts, then use the Site Skeleton export to instantly transform their work into HTML.

HTML export options
Share your diagrams and outlines. Quickly convert Inspiration projects into web content with newly redesigned HTML export options.

Inspiration 7.6 offers enhanced compatibility with new technologies being used in the classroom.

Interactive whiteboards
Shape and handwriting recognition make it possible to sketch symbols and write text directly on the whiteboard. Toolbars may be moved to the bottom of the screen for easy access by all students. QuickTime movie of new capabilities. If you need to install QuickTime, click here.

Palm-Powered handhelds
Sync to and from Inspiration for Palm OS, the handheld tool to develop ideas and organize thinking. Expand and enhance diagrams created on the handheld, or transfer projects to the handheld for the on-the-go visual thinking and learning!

Tablet PCs and Wacom Tablets
Shape and handwriting recognition make it possible to sketch symbols and write text directly on the tablet with a stylus.

Program is in Spanish.

System Requirements


  • Macintosh or Power Macintosh

  • Mac OS 7.1, 8.x, 9.x or OS X

  • 4 MB available RAM

  • 640x480 display, 256-color display

  • 5 MB available hard drive minimum, 30 MB for full install


  • 486 processor or higher

  • Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT 4.0, ME or XP (including Tablet PC Edition)

  • 8 MB RAM

  • 640x480 display, 256-color display

  • 5 MB available hard drive; 20 MB for full install