Limited Supply as of March 8th
Limited Supply as of March 8th
Theory Games for Windows/Macintosh (Version 2.0) - Levels 1A, 1B, 2. This new software boasts new and improved games, a higher level of organization within each subject, improved record-keeping and testing features as well as colorful graphics. Different aspects of music theory, such as note recognition, intervals, rhythm and musical terms correspond to each lesson in Alfred's Basic Piano Library Lesson Books.
Power Macintosh G3
System 8.6 or later, OSX
64 MB RAM (128 RAM for OSX)
Color monitor (16 bit or better)
CD-ROM drive
**Windows **
Pentium II 200 Processor
Windows 95/98, 2000,XP or NT 4.0
Color monitor (16 bit or better)
CD-ROM drive